Easy 30 Kettlebell Workout Day

Since I did a 300 Workout yesterday (which I should have done Monday but more important matters pressed), I did the Easy 30 Kettlebell Workout to take it “easy” 🙂

This is the workout I did initially when getting into Kettlebells, well actually I did the Easy 20 which is a slightly stripped down version. 30 and 20 stand for minutes it takes to complete the workout.

Its basically a time based interval training workout for which more details can be found at LiftKettlebells.com . You can download mp3 files where you get instructed when to do what which comes in handy if you don’t have a interval timer to help you. The MP3s have two versions, with background music and instructions only so you can mix your own music on top of it 🙂

Give it a try and don’t let the name fool you. Its quite a nice workout for all but the most hardcore guys/gals 😉

Yet another 300 Kettlebell Workout

40 Kettlebell Swings (2 Handed)
10 Turkish Get-Ups (5 Left 5 Right)
40 Kettlebell Snatches (20 Left 20 Right)
10 Kettlebell Windmills (5 Left 5 Right)
40 Kettlebell Swings (2 Handed)
10 Push-Ups (Slow)
40 Kettlebell Snatches (10L-10R-8L-8R-2L-2R Grip issue had me alternate)
10 Kettlebell Windmills (5 Left 5 Right)
50 Mountain Climbers

I noticed I have trouble with my grip over the course of these custom 300 workouts.
I use a cheap 16kg filled plastic Kettlebell which has a larger then standard handle and body. Looks more like a 24kg or even 32kg proper solid iron Kettlebell. So doing consecutive Kettlebell moves with little rest in between goes really tough on my lower arm.

Apart from this issue I am really happy to chop and change the order and intensity of my workouts. Up until 3-4 weeks ago I was sticking to some workouts I found on the Internet but with these my progress began to plateau. So I decided to add variety to unsettle my body and make it actually work.

Recently I switched back to more lower body kind of exercises as I seem to bulk up too much too soon with upper body intensive choices. And also I had a small accident some 5 months ago which causes my left shoulder to ache if I get too keen on working it 🙂

That said, I do revisit the workouts I initially found as they have become part of the variety.

Are we really as diverse as we like to believe?

Lately as I look around, at work, in the city, around our home, wherever I go… Even on the Internet, in the movies, on the television.

I see similar faces and appearances.

Maybe I let my mind play me games but the more I observe people around me, looking for similarities the more I believe there are a very certain set of looks all of humans ever had/have/will have.

It could be hundreds or thousands I can’t know the exact number but its definitely not billions.

We all share similar facial and anatomical prototypes (I might dare to call templates).

What makes us “unique” comes from within, as we all share differing experiences.


But we still are pretty much alike.


That’s why there is a Facebook app where you match yourself or people you know with celebrities. I don’t like or spend much time in Facebook, this is just an example out of many.