15-15 Snatches and ISOs

Working on my grip so I’m doing dialed back 15-15 snatches and also some ISOs… Not that I know what ISOs are but anyway here is what I did:

15 seconds Right Hand Snatch
15 seconds rest
15 seconds Left Hand Snatch
15 seconds rest
for 10 reps and my hands started to lose it…
5 minutes rest
2 minutes straight arm plank
1 minute rest
1 minute straight arm plank
30 seconds rest
30 seconds straight arm plank
1 minute rest
1 minute plank
1 minute rest
1 minute Right Hand over head lockout
30 seconds rest
1 minute Left Hand over head lockout
30 seconds rest
45 seconds Right Hand over head lockout
15 seconds rest
45 seconds Left Hand over head lockout
105 seconds rest
210 seconds Two handed deadlift top lockout

Basic Kettlebell Move Combos

Was doing the following routine for the last couple of months in a 60-15 interval fashion:

- Kettlebell Squats (KB in Right Hand)
- Pushups
- 1 Handed Kettlebell Swings (Right Hand)
- Turkish Get-Ups (Right Hand)
- Kettlebell Squats (KB in Left Hand)
- Pushups
- 1 Handed Kettlebell Swings (Left Hand)
- Turkish Get-Ups (Left Hand)
- Kettlebell Goblet Squats
- Pushups
- 2 Handed Kettlebell Swings
- Turkish Get-Ups (Right Hand then Left Hand)

This is one set of 20 minutes with 30 seconds of lead and 90 seconds of trail time.
Usually one set will do but you can repeat as many as you want, just watch your form and grip strength.

Last two weeks I alternated the above with this one, exercises are back to back with 1 minute or so rest in between:

- 3 1H KB Swings (R)
- 3 KB High Pulls (R)
- 3 KB Snatches (R)
- 3 KB Windmills (R)
- 3 KB Squats (R)
- 3 KB Reverse Lunges (R)
- 3 KB Jerks (R)
- 3 KB Presses (R)
- 1 TGU (R) (First down the up)
- 3 Pushups
- 3 1H KB Swings (L)
- 3 KB High Pulls (L)
- 3 KB Snatches (L)
- 3 KB Windmills (L)
- 3 KB Squats (L)
- 3 KB Reverse Lunges (L)
- 3 KB Jerks (L)
- 3 KB Presses (L)
- 1 TGU (L) (First down the up)
- 3 Pushups

2 sets of the above is a decent workout, I sometimes dared to complete 3 sets 🙂

This week I added another flavor to the mix:

- 5 Double KB Push Presses
- 5 Double KB Rows
- 5 Double KB Swings
- 5 Double KB Squats
- Double KB Farmers Walk (for about a minute)
- Rest for a minute or less

As I do not own a second 24 kg KB, I did a asymmetrical double with a 16 kg KB. 4 sets of this and I was good to hit the showers 🙂

Basics 300 Kettlebell Workout

Warm up, stretch routines
80 Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds rest
10 Turkish Getups (3L-3R-2L-2R)
30 seconds rest
60 Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds rest
20 Windmills (5L-5R-5L-5R)
30 second rest
50 One Armed Rows (9L-9R-30s rest-8L-8R-30s rest-8L-8R)
30 second rest
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 seconds rest
10 Pushups (as strict and slow as possible)
10 Squats (slow)
10 Pushups (as strict and slow as possible)
10 Squats (slow)
Stretch and cool down

Easy 30 Kettlebell Workout with Mixed Weights

Its been three months since my last post, no spectacular changes, only consistency and perseverance.

Not trying to downplay anything, being consistent and persevering is not a small deed. At least not for me anyway. It requires mental strength and discipline. Both very prone to reluctance, one of the major diseases of our age ruled by attention deficit disorder.

My grip was quite weak when I first started using the 32 kg kettlebell, this is still work in progress.

The Easy 30 Kettlebell Workout from www.liftkettlebells.com is a good mix of ballistic and strength moves with the Kettlebell with some bodyweight exercises thrown in to help balance the load and enhance recovery. Here is how I do it these days:

30s Jumping Jacks 
30s Body Squats 
60s 2H Swings 32kg 
30s Rest 
30s Front Squat L 16kg 
30s Front Squat R 16kg 
30s Rest 
60s Windmill L 32kg 5 reps only then rest
60s Windmill R 32kg 5 reps only then rest
30s 2H Swings Waist High 32kg 
30s 2H Swings Head High 32kg 
30s Swings L 16kg 
30s Swings R 16kg 
60s Rest 
30s Military Press L 16kg 
30s Military Press R 16kg 
30s Rest 
60s Jumping Jacks 
30s Pushups 
60s Rest 
60s 2H Swings 16kg 
30s 2H Swings Overhead 16kg 
60s Rest 
60s One Armed Rows 8 on each side 32kg 
30s Rest 
30s One Armed Rows 4 on each side 32kg 
30s Rest 
45s Pullovers 16kg 
30s Floor Press L 16kg 
30s Floor Press R 16kg 
30s Floor Press L 16kg 
30s Floor Press R 16kg 
30s Pullovers 16kg 
60s Rest 
60s One Armed Rows 8 on each side 32kg 
30s Rest 
30s One Armed Rows 4 on each side 32kg 
30s Rest 
60s Jumping Jacks 
60s Rest 
30s Snatch L 16kg 
30s Snatch R 16kg 
60s Snatch L 16kg 
60s Snatch R 16kg 
30s Snatch L 16kg 
30s Snatch R 16kg

So Actually I Was Over-training Lately…

How do I know? Well, I rested during the weekend, read this article about over-training and thought “Wait a minute…”

So today I was able to do a full set of 75 reps of two handed swings before my grip gave way after warming up with jumping jacks and squats.

And I was able to go for 10 inclined push-ups, 10 pistol squats and 10 TGUs (with 24 kg dumbbells but still) after that intense swing session.

Brought in the 16 kg KB to work more on my technique of several moves.

Definitely going to take tomorrow off, over-training is so painful and annoying, makes you feel weaker then you actually are 🙂

Plain Swinging

Done 150 two handed kettlebell swings in 6 sets of 25 reps, calluses becoming back part of my appearance.

Added 10  inclined push-ups, 10 pull-ups (from the edge of a table) and 10 pistol squats. Lots of stretching and rest in between as I still kind of strain my lower back a bit, trying to get used to the much heavier weight.

I will try to increase the reps and decrease the sets, maybe 3 sets 0f 50 reps? I hope my hands and forearms do agree with this 🙂

Back to Square One

Going straight to 32 kg today after 20 months with 16 kg (last 2 months doing TGUs with 24kg) got my arse kicked properly.

I feel like I’m starting anew. I originally planned on doing the GtG routine I do lately then throw in a 10 minute 40-20 swing session to kill me off for good.

Well, I only managed 10 TGUs (5L-5R), 10 Pistol Squats (5L-5R), barely did the 40-20 for two minutes and I was done. Sitting on the floor… barely, because I had to work my thighs like I haven’t in a looong time. After doing 5 inclined pushups I called it a day.

I might consider going back to the Easy 20 Kettlebell Workout to get things rolling again with the 32 kg.

Never look back, never back down, stay alert and act sensibly.

Working Back

Pull-ups chin-ups… Still working on proper full range but decided to take a stepped approach. At the office I pull myself up quickly do slow declines from the top chin-up position. No hurry, feeling all the pain slow. At home I use the edge of the dinner table, body firm and aligned, only the heels touching the ground but without giving any support to the movement.

I try to do at least one of these or, if I can manage my time, both the noon and the evening exercises.

The routine is still pretty much the same: 10 TGUs (5L-5R) 10 Pistol Squats (5L-5R) 10 Chin-ups 10 One legged push-ups (5L-5R)

Time For Proper Pull-ups!

I have suck at pull-ups for as long as I know myself. So what good are 32 kg Turkish Get-ups when you can hardly manage one full range proper pull-up or chin-up?

Therefore I decided to add 10 pull-ups to my daily Grease the Groove fun. A progressive approach makes sense, as it will help reducing or even preventing shoulder strain and tendinitis, injuries often experienced in the process of mastering pull-ups.

Todays GtG:

10 24 kg TGUs (did 32 kg yesterday so I lessened the load)

10 one leg assisted pull-ups

10 one legged slow push-ups

10 one legged squats (pistol squats)

Grease the Groove with TGU Extended Version

Well I’m afraid this is getting beyond the GtG definition approaching a full workout set status:

10 TGUs (slow 5 on each side)

10 One legged squats aka pistols (5 on each side)

3×10 slow pushups

In addition I did some stair running, box jumps, ninja squats and farmer walks today but usual routine is the above one. One at noon and one in the evening where possible.

I am very happy that I am finally able to do proper one legged squats 5 times back to back. Pretty sure this is the work of the TGUs I do regularly lately as it forces you to improve cross body muscle coordination which helps a lot with the pistols IMHO.